Hello employers, welcome to Jobs At Remote!

How to post jobs:

Here are a few tips that will help you navigate our site:

1. Register with your email and password and you can start to post jobs immediately.

2. In case you can’t find your login credentials, you can request a login link by clicking on ‘Forgot password?‘ on the signup page.

3. Once you’re logged in, make sure to set up your password under account settings.

4. Candidates usually prefer to know the salary range beforehand, and so we request you to include this information while posting a job. However, this is an optional field and it is up to you to include the salary information.

5. If you decide to include the salary information, enter the amount on a monthly scale. For example: when you enter 2000, the information will be shown as $2000 / mo.

6. When a job is posted, job seekers will contact you with their attached resumes and cover letters which you will see under the ‘Messages’ tab. And of course, a notification icon above your account name will show up when you receive a message.

7. Format your job listing so that it’s pleasurable to read. Long paragraphs with no line breaks should be avoided. You can choose to include the link to apply at your company’s website in the job description, but this is not compulsory.

8. IMPORTANT – If you would like to custom design or format your job listing after you’ve post the job, kindly send your requirements to abhigyan@jobsatremote.com or info@jobsatremote.com. This is a free service included with both job packages.

9. If you exhaust your job posting limits, you can buy them again by visiting the shop page and can continue to post jobs. If you face any trouble, kindly contact our support at info@jobsatremote.com.

10. Choosing our Premium plan and promoting your job on Jobs At Remote will give you 4x the exposure and responses from candidates. It’s really the quickest way to hire.

And there you have it! Thanks for reading and sharing if you find it valuable! We really appreciate you being a part of our remote community and hope you find the perfect remote candidate for your job!

Ready to post a remote job?

Job Packages

Check our remote job listing packages.


  • Post a single job
  • Job expires in 30 days
  • Job is not promoted


  • Post up to 5 jobs
  • Job expires in 60 days
  • Each job is promoted

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Please enter your username or email address, you will receive a link to create a new password via email.


An active membership is required for this action, please click on the button below to view the available plans.