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Curated online courses and study materials to improve your knowledge and interview skills.

Online Design Courses


An Introduction to Design by Jason Roberts

Pluralsight | Free Trial | Self-Paced | Level: Intermediate | Duration: 2 hrs

In this course, you’ll learn the fundamentals of design, you can start to apply them to your software UI & UX, marketing materials, emails, and web design. Learn More.


Microservices Architecture: Design Principles by Rag Dhiman

Pluralsight | Free Trial | Self-Paced | Level: Beginner | Duration: 3 hrs

You’ll get a deep understanding of the microservices design and technology approach. All in the context of the core design principles, which help clarify and organize the sometimes overwhelming world of microservices architecture. Learn More.

Online Marketing Courses


Marketing and Selling Your Own Products by Jason Alba

Pluralsight | Free Trial | Self-Paced | Level: Beginner | Duration: 2 hrs

This course walks you through concepts, ideas, models, and tools to better understand marketing and sales. Learn about specific, actionable tactics that you can implement to help you sell more, or to support your company in its marketing and sales efforts. Learn More.


Configuration in Salesforce Marketing Cloud by Justin Zucker

Pluralsight | Free Trial | Self-Paced | Level: Intermediate | Duration: 1.5 hrs

In this course, you will learn the skills and knowledge needed to function as a full Marketing Cloud administrator, with the ability to set up and manage users, create integration points for developers, and manage your enterprise’s security within Marketing Cloud. Learn More.

Remote UX Researcher Interview Q&A

Remote Technical Writer Interview Q&A

Remote Front-End Developer Interview Q&A

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